Tag: YourAutisticLife

  • If I Were A Billionaire

    If I Were A Billionaire

    I’d be helping my fellow human beings here and now. A billion dollars does isolate you from having to worry about your future, right? I sure hope so. At least that’s how I imagine it. If I’m wrong about this, you can try to convince me, but you’re going to have to bring up your…

  • Eating Your Feelings

    Finn has been in the bathroom for a while, processing his feelings. https://youtube.com/shorts/gxMPQjWdqfA

  • Aphorisms Of Love: To Find Lasting Relationships, You Must Allow Those That Won’t Last

    Aphorisms Of Love: To Find Lasting Relationships, You Must Allow Those That Won’t Last

    A reflection on those relationships that don’t last. I was lucky when I met my ex-wife. It was my first relationship. It lasted 26 years, and our marriage lasted 22 years. It was a “hole in one” so to speak. Mind you, we did have some rumbles during our first year. We broke up four…

  • Sliced Muenster Cheese

    Finn gets sliced monster for Alice. https://youtube.com/shorts/qt2cMb-qayA?feature=share

  • I No Longer Recommend Feeld

    The powers that be killed the golden goose. If you’ve already read this article, please read the updates at the bottom. They are eye-opening. I’ve complained about the state of Feeld before. Namely, in this article: Well… it’s gone from bad to worse. Feeld used to be the application I’d recommend for the gender and…

  • The Normalcy Of Being Enby

    The Normalcy Of Being Enby

    It may seem paradoxical, but the realization that I am in fact enby eliminated a source of weirdness in my life. In the article in which I came out as enby, I explained how patriarchy dictates the gender binary of man and woman. I reject this edict. “I’m not a man.” “Oh, you must be…

  • The Measure Of An Enby

    The Measure Of An Enby

    Am I nonbinary? The signs point to the fact that I am. When you’ve met one enby, you’ve met one enby. I realized that this motto was true even before meeting one enby as an enby on a dating app. I suspect I have met some enbies a long time ago, but I did not…

  • An Autistic Reading Of The Rifle’s Spiral

    My take on a few lines of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins. This music video came into my orbit before I knew that I was autistic. However, there are a few lines in there that have always captured my imagination. I’ve had other neurodivergent people listen to this piece, and they also latched onto…

  • Dog Barf

    Alice’s dog barfed, and Finn has an idea regarding what the cause could be. https://youtube.com/shorts/8wSAMDhYEgM?feature=share

  • How To Eat Pussy Like A Gentleman

    How To Eat Pussy Like A Gentleman

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