Tag: YourAutisticLife
Sold Separately
A lady gets angry over the fact that what she wants is sold separately. https://spectra.video/w/r4PeCXXp4hrm1kjUSs5fR5
Alcohol Does Not Reveal Someone’s “Real” Personality
Contrary to what some people hold, I do not hold this to be true. I’m going to explain why. I’m a Zen Buddhist. As such, I don’t believe that there is any real self that can be uncovered. Everything we call a self is an ever-evolving set of causes and conditions. Forcibly, there cannot be…
Feeld Bots
Bots are on the loose! https://spectra.video/w/6iV6s76v88wL4E6Y6xgkFg
Brian Cancer
Someone’s got Brian cancer. DARK HUMOR! (Btw, I did have cancer, and it was in my brain.) https://spectra.video/w/36zWD22JU4pF3pxXBATnNj
Scrape-o-Matic 3000
The Scrape-o-Matic 3000 scrapes everything! https://spectra.video/w/16bjTQCaxDQfNne6jqNkGv
National Days And Awareness Months Hurt My Mental Health
There’s a cost to your push for awareness, and it is my mental health. Let’s start with the messages about National Pizza Day or National Ice Cream Day. These are pure advertisement for special interests. They serve no other purpose than to place some class of product into the population’s mind. They have no other…
Docker Compost
Use Docker compost to turn your docker images into flower pots. https://spectra.video/w/gozo1RebwtWCSzADNQVm7t
Mastodon Instance
Why charge $24 per year for my Mastodon instance? (Feel free to share and boost this post for visibility.) So I decided to open up my Mastodon instance. However, I’m asking people who would like to join to buy a subscription to it. What’s the deal here? First, I’d like to turn away those cuckoo…
Lovers Cooing To Each Other
These lover may be high on love! https://spectra.video/w/vAAYxd4xQxGMh5aA2wgqaR
A farmer is just being very honest with his client. https://spectra.video/w/pZGMJhRni7mcqAs7puawLM