Tag: YourAutisticLife
Mr. Spock is fartsinated by something. https://spectra.video/w/iypSHsdBYLHk3JzsQNPinS
(The spelling above may not be the preferred one, but I’m a maverick, and it is accepted.) A student of ancient English is being tutored by someone who really shouldn’t be tutoring anyone. https://spectra.video/w/eyXr4bSBKLu3XgyJbB3kkM
A Special Restaurant
A very special restaurant with very special menu items. https://spectra.video/w/eCUPUiKkzkd7cx8opGdhBu
Linda Yaccarino Speaks To Customers
Linda Yaccarino speaks to a group of customers, but it does not go well. https://spectra.video/w/gowWtuR81QsfT5uCknjrzQ
It’s The End Of The News As We Know It
Google News wants more news. It has an unexpected effect. https://spectra.video/w/apcHUV3F5qEqjfWuuquqYq
Oxford Scammer
A scammer is a bit full of himself. https://spectra.video/w/3mwMyVRJwrxtqPVhyKRmBh
XBox Enforcement System
The XBox Enforcement System shoots and hits? Or maybe misses? I don’t know! https://spectra.video/w/deQQT23igJg4fs7tdSNmnd
If you don’t like it, you can just fork it, lulz!
It is not as simple as what those bozos hold. If only it were that simple. You don’t like a product, that product is FOSS, so you just fork it to make the modifications you want, and you’re a happy camper, right? RIGHT? This scenario is often a pipe dream, not always, mind you, but…
Hamster Breath
A client is looking for Hamster Breath RSO. https://spectra.video/w/1U8UcyrTar8MvKR8QkprJQ
On The Accuracy Of ChatGPT
ChatGPT is accurately cribbing, for sure! Unfortunately, sometimes killing the messenger means killing the cook. https://spectra.video/w/iivd5FrBRMKEexyrym485r