Tag: work

  • Am I More Autistic Than I Used To Be?

    For people who used to mask, the realization that they are autistic may make them appear more autistic to the world. The answer is “no,” you are not more autistic than you used to be. As I’ve taken pains to explain with my garden allegory, we are autistic from birth. Those who mask are able…

  • I’m Tired Of People Who Have An “Opinion” About Where I’m Allowed To Publish

    Telling me where I can publish amounts to you trying to control how I make a living. I’m going to be blunt in what follows. You’ve been warned. I’ve already made a post about those misguided souls who would like to tell us autistic people how we should make ends meet. I think I made…

  • How Are Autistic People Supposed To Make A Living?

    I explain at least part of the “making a living” problem from the point of view of an autistic person. Tie your hat. This is a long post. Now, keep in mind the proverb: When you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person. I don’t claim here to talk for every single autistic…