Tag: suffering

  • Listening Without Judgment

    Listening Without Judgment

    It is because we can listen without judgment, that we are all special. While I was taking my daily walk one morning, a thought occurred to me. All of us humans have a special capability that no other entity on Earth possesses. We have the ability to listen without judgment. How wonderful! When someone expresses…

  • My Suffering Is For All Sentient Beings

    Although my life used to be lived for myself, it is now lived for others. When I began to practice Zen, my goal was to reach enlightenment as fast as possible. I was sitting, mostly for my own benefit. I’ve sat in meditation on and off for over 27 years. Furthermore, I’ve been to seven-day…

  • How To Be A True Friend To Someone Who Has A Cancer Diagnosis

    How to listen to their suffering without judgment, or a desire to rectify things. For Adeline, Here’s what you have to do. You have to be there to listen to their suffering without judgment, or desire to rectify anything. Have a nice day. How come you’re still here? I’m done. I’ve told you above how…