Tag: autistic

  • Declaring One’s Autism Won’t Do Anything To Combat Police Ineptitude

    I don’t think that declaring that one is autistic will change anything. I’ve seen lately a bunch of news articles talking about new rules whereby people who have behavioral disabilities, autism in particular, will be allowed to declare their disability so that the police can handle them properly. Before we go any further, let me…

  • If You Can’t Muster Empathy, Shut Up!

    If You Can’t Muster Empathy, Shut Up!

    I’ve recently gotten a very shitty response to a vent of mine. I decided to vent into the fediverse with this message: This was just a vent. I’m mildly annoyed, but not angry. I did not berate them for their silence. I’m just venting in the fediverse. This is it. I’ve been on the dating…

  • Hand Dancing: Cutting The Carrot

    I stim to music by hand dancing. This is another form of hand dancing. I call this one cutting the carrot. https://youtu.be/Pe0NE-aEIJY

  • My Conditions Are Not Moral Failings

    It is really hard to abandon the idea that conditions are moral failings when society at large bleats that they are. Tie your hat down. This is going to be a longish article. I’m going to highlight some ways in which doctors and the general population hold onto an obsolete model of our somatic and…

  • Invisible Minorities Are Vocal About Their Identities With Good Reason

    It is because the majority tends to forget that these invisible minorities exist. I recently came across a “bash the vegan” joke that got me thinking about the issue at hand here. I’m paraphrasing, but the joke was: The toughest part of being a vegan is keeping it to yourself. I think there are several…

  • More Examples Of Friction Between My Ex-Wife And Me

    As I reevaluate my life, I’m finding more examples of the friction that my autism caused between me and my ex-wife. The reevaluation of my life continues, unabated. Sometimes things I had forgotten, come back to the fore when I discuss with other autistic people. I have collected here more examples of the friction that…

  • Ableist As Fuck: “Real-Life Dating Is Better Than Online Dating”

    It ignores the very real problem that minorities face in dating. I was at an event last Friday. Towards the end of the event, I was talking to one guy. He was asking about my dates, and at some point he said something to the effect of (paraphrasing): You found people with the online apps,…

  • ActuallyAutistic Is For Both Formally Diagnosed People And Self-Diagnosed People

    People have recently suggested other hashtags and group names in the fediverse. This will only compound the problem. If there is one thing that us autistic people do not like, it is allistic (i.e. non-autistic) people talking for us. At the same time, it does make sense for people who have to care for autistic…

  • No, I Don’t Need Your Expensive Hi-Fi, Your Vinyl, Your Coffee

    Aficionados won’t like me, but I don’t need the expensive stuff that they peddle. By all means, enjoy what you enjoy, but don’t start peddling your stuff to me. Oftentimes, your stuff is not even objectively better, that is, if you don’t willfully ignore the studies that disprove your position. However, even the notion of…

  • Kava: An Antianxiety Herb

    I drink kava pretty much daily, because I like its effects. What is kava? It is a herb that grows naturally in the Pacific Islands. People there have been grinding its root for centuries to make drinks out of it. Eventually, it came to the West. No, I’m not going to give you the full…