Tag: autistic
Gift Giving: A Minefield
I’m both a bad giver and a bad receiver of gifts, according to society, at any rate. Gift giving is a minefield for most autistic folks. It definitely is one for me. Since Valentine’s Day is upon us, here’s a reflection on why most options are terrible. In no specific order, A great part of…
An Autistic Reading Of The Rifle’s Spiral
My take on a few lines of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins. This music video came into my orbit before I knew that I was autistic. However, there are a few lines in there that have always captured my imagination. I’ve had other neurodivergent people listen to this piece, and they also latched onto…
Do Not Condemn Your Child To A Life Of Confusion
If your child gets an autism diagnosis, do tell them about it! To do otherwise is a Faustian bargain. Actually, my advice goes for any mental condition. It can be autism, schizophrenia, general anxiety disorders, etc. In this article, I’ll talk only about autism because that the condition that affects me the most, and I…
At 50 I’m Realizing I’m Not Made To Live Alone
Most of the time, these days, I live alone. My mental health is suffering from it. I initially wrote this article in March 2023. I’m republishing it here with minimal edits. I’ll provide an update at the end. This is a realization that came to me only very recently… during the past few weeks, actually. I…
Am I The Asshole?
This is a question that I ask myself often, probably because of the trauma I suffered. I believe this concern about whether I am an asshole comes from innumerable times when I was unjustly labeled an asshole. Over time, I internalized the accusers’ voices, and now I ask myself whether I am, in fact, an…
When Your Sex Bites You In Your Autistic Ass
I’m a cis male, but my autistic traits correlate with those of cis female individuals. The study of autism is plagued with sexism, even to this day. There is definitely more awareness of the problem nowadays, but the prevalent view of how autism presents in people is largely based on antiquated stereotypes. If you are…
The Discovery Of My Aromantic Nature
I wish I had known earlier. It would have saved me some suffering. I’ve discovered recently that I’m aromantic. Much like the discovery of my autism, it has been a tremendous relief. I’m not broken. I’m just different. Let me explain. I now describe myself in the following fashion. I’m aromantic. However, I can definitely…