Tag: autism

  • Gift Giving: A Minefield

    Gift Giving: A Minefield

    I’m both a bad giver and a bad receiver of gifts, according to society, at any rate. Gift giving is a minefield for most autistic folks. It definitely is one for me. Since Valentine’s Day is upon us, here’s a reflection on why most options are terrible. In no specific order, A great part of…

  • Why Are Autistic Folks Generally Tolerant?

    Why Are Autistic Folks Generally Tolerant?

    I do have a simple theory. My theory is that it is because we don’t generally believe in arbitrary social conventions. Those very same conventions usually do not serve us, autistic folks, well. Once the social conventions that oppress us daily are seen as arbitrary, it does not take much to realize that most other…

  • The Examined Life

    The Examined Life

    The discovery of my neurodivergence has been a blessing in disguise, for, together with other crises, it forced me to examine my life. I know for a fact that some people won’t accept that neurodivergence is a blessing at all. These folks sometimes wish that they would be able to do away with their own…

  • Why Do Autistic People “Make A Scene?”

    Why Do Autistic People “Make A Scene?”

    Because you don’t bloody listen. Going to events can be challenging when you are autistic. It is definitely challenging for me. I have noise sensitivity and social anxiety. I’ve recently learned that I’m liable to crash if I’m overstimulated during a social event. Fun! I’m going to talk about a specific event here. It is…

  • When Being Social Destroys You

    When Being Social Destroys You

    This is the story of how a recent social event destroyed me. I think my own unmasking as a voluntary aspect, and an involuntary one. For instance, I voluntarily stim in public, or leave events when I’ve had enough. However, I used to sleep full nights without any issue. I used to be reflux free.…

  • I’ve Been Nonbinary As Long As I Can Remember

    I’ve Been Nonbinary As Long As I Can Remember

    Looking back at my life, the signs were there. I’ve reflected on my life in the article that I link to below. However, I’m continuing the reexamination of my life prior to the realization that I am, in fact, nonbinary. I’ve now come out to three family members as an enby. This is by far…

  • An Autistic Reading Of The Rifle’s Spiral

    My take on a few lines of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins. This music video came into my orbit before I knew that I was autistic. However, there are a few lines in there that have always captured my imagination. I’ve had other neurodivergent people listen to this piece, and they also latched onto…

  • Do Not Condemn Your Child To A Life Of Confusion

    Do Not Condemn Your Child To A Life Of Confusion

    If your child gets an autism diagnosis, do tell them about it! To do otherwise is a Faustian bargain. Actually, my advice goes for any mental condition. It can be autism, schizophrenia, general anxiety disorders, etc. In this article, I’ll talk only about autism because that the condition that affects me the most, and I…

  • At 50 I’m Realizing I’m Not Made To Live Alone

    At 50 I’m Realizing I’m Not Made To Live Alone

    Most of the time, these days, I live alone. My mental health is suffering from it. I initially wrote this article in March 2023. I’m republishing it here with minimal edits. I’ll provide an update at the end. This is a realization that came to me only very recently… during the past few weeks, actually. I…

  • Am I The Asshole?

    This is a question that I ask myself often, probably because of the trauma I suffered. I believe this concern about whether I am an asshole comes from innumerable times when I was unjustly labeled an asshole. Over time, I internalized the accusers’ voices, and now I ask myself whether I am, in fact, an…