Author: yourautisticlife
The Fartist Pissertates
The Fartist pissertates at length apout something.
The Fuck You Fountain
CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE! The Fuck You Fountain will not give you water, but it will insult you, in multiple languages.
I’m Tired Of People Who Have An “Opinion” About Where I’m Allowed To Publish
Telling me where I can publish amounts to you trying to control how I make a living. I’m going to be blunt in what follows. You’ve been warned. I’ve already made a post about those misguided souls who would like to tell us autistic people how we should make ends meet. I think I made…
Moderation In Foreign Languages Is MUCH Harder Than You Think
I have most likely learned and lost more language than you have. I’d listen to my opinion if I were you. Moderation is hard. The moderation team on any platform is subjected to a fire hose of crap aimed straight at their face every day. They see stuff from people who think nothing of posting…
Of Caregiver Doms And Masochistic Flies
A masochistic fly asks about caregiver Doms.
Someone gets disemvoweled.
Fairy Fuckmother
CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE! A child got a Fairy Fuckmother!
No, I Don’t Need Your Expensive Hi-Fi, Your Vinyl, Your Coffee
Aficionados won’t like me, but I don’t need the expensive stuff that they peddle. By all means, enjoy what you enjoy, but don’t start peddling your stuff to me. Oftentimes, your stuff is not even objectively better, that is, if you don’t willfully ignore the studies that disprove your position. However, even the notion of…
Book Threats
CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE. A couple of librarians are planing their revenge on people who want to ban books.