Author: yourautisticlife
Scrutable Reasons
Some reasons are inscrutable, but other reasons are quite scrutable.
Doctor Woof
Doctor Who is tanking. Not to worry. We have ideas!
The Self: A Vibratory Phenomenon
That which we call the self is not as solid as we’d like to believe. This article is about this thing we call “the self.” We tend to think about the self as this solid thing. I think this belief is mistaken. I don’t think I’m being original with this contention that it is a…
Hello Mary Pass
Hello Mary!
Bazooka Joe In Hong Kong
A US senator faces immigration in Hong Kong with something unusual in his luggage.
I Shot Myself
Some guy manages to shoot himself!
Star Wars: The Destruction Of A Franchise
I guess this article won’t be heavily about my autism. Except maybe that I do display my autism insofar as I’m blunt in my assessment of what happened to Star Wars with the latest trilogy of movies. For the benefit of historians, I’m talking about The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of…
A Ford Fetus Driver
A man has bought a Ford Fetus and his friend is asking him about the car.
Introducing the Ford Fetus
This is the car of your dream!
Delete The Fly
How do you delete flies??