
  • The Problem With Your Answers To My Questions

    When I complain about a product, your answer to just stop using it stinks, very badly. Once in a while, I run into problems with this or that product. Sometimes, when I cannot find a solution, I post my issue to the fediverse, hoping someone will have the answer. A lot of people don’t respond.…

  • When Your Sex Bites You In Your Autistic Ass

    I’m a cis male, but my autistic traits correlate with those of cis female individuals. The study of autism is plagued with sexism, even to this day. There is definitely more awareness of the problem nowadays, but the prevalent view of how autism presents in people is largely based on antiquated stereotypes. If you are…

  • Johns Hopkins’ Billing: Death By A Thousand Cuts

    Johns Hopkins’ billing department is, again, billing me for bogus charges. I’ve complained about this multiple times. Nothing is happening! This article was originally published elsewhere in November 2022. I’m republishing because it serves as a good example of my slogan, AHABe. I’ve done minimal editing. Here I am, complaining, again, about Johns Hopkins. This…

  • Autistic Joy: How I Did NOT Celebrate Valentine’s Day With My Boyfriend

    We are on the same page, he and I, Valentine’s Day is not something to celebrate. I’ve always had a difficult relationship with Valentine’s Day. I went through the motions, for the benefit of my ex-wife. It was very important for her to mark the day, somehow. As far as I see it, Valentine’s Day…

  • When Shitbags Fake Disability

    This story is such a clusterfuck of deceit and incompetence that you should be as mad as I am! Tie your hat! This is going to be a really rough ride. It is not every day that watching a cooking video on YouTube sends me ballistic. Yet, here we are. I’m bloody mad, and so…

  • My Sleep Ritual

    This is what I have to do if I want a good night of sleep. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

  • Willow

    A daddy’s girl Buddhist funeral. A lynx-point female Siamese catWillow was her assigned nameTruly, she was a daddy’s girlShe never learned claw controlWhen this girl showed her loveShe’d put her paw on your armAnd immediately drew bloodStill, I let her do it. No fuss from meBecause she was my sweet girl When I went to…

  • A Panic Attack May Not Be What You Think

    I’m going to explain to you what a panic attack is. It does not just mean experiencing a great fear or being terrified irrespective of circumstances. I’ve experienced two bouts of panic attacks in my life. I had to take Xanax to counter the attacks until time worked its magic, and the attacks ceased. A…

  • I Cannot Recommend BetterHelp

    They sell customer data to third parties, and my ex-wife and I had terrible experiences with them. I cannot recommend BetterHelp to anyone. It is really disheartening to see YouTube creators endorse this place as if it were the second coming. My ex-wife and I have had a terrible experience with them. They have moreover…

  • The Girl Who Mistook Me For A Pile Of Bricks

    I wanted to give her everything, but she backstabbed me. I’ve mentioned it before. The queer world is rather small. You should be nice to the people you run into, even when breaking up with them. If you do not, you may get a cold reception the next time you run into them. I wanted…