Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • The Examined Life

    The discovery of my neurodivergence has been a blessing in disguise, for, together with other crises, it forced me to examine my life. I know for a fact that some people won’t accept that neurodivergence is a blessing at all. These folks sometimes wish that they would be able to do away with their own…

  • Why Do Autistic People “Make A Scene?”

    Because you don’t bloody listen. Going to events can be challenging when you are autistic. It is definitely challenging for me. I have noise sensitivity and social anxiety. I’ve recently learned that I’m liable to crash if I’m overstimulated during a social event. Fun! I’m going to talk about a specific event here. It is…

  • The Conservatives Justices Part of SCOTUS are Sophomoric Idiots

    Yep, we’re fucked. I chose my words carefully with that title. Their “reasoning” for the decision granting absolute powers to presidents is equivalent to the work of a confused college sophomore. I knew right away that this decision couldn’t be good for us, but I decided to hold my tongue for a while. I have…

Latest Articles:

  • You Don’t Understand Free Speech

    I know my title is provocative. It is intentional. The law is one of my interests. At the same time, I’m not a lawyer. I’m merely better informed than the average American. Let me be clear that I’m going to talk about the right of free speech embodied in the Bill of Rights of the…

  • The Self: A Vibratory Phenomenon

    That which we call the self is not as solid as we’d like to believe. This article is about this thing we call “the self.” We tend to think about the self as this solid thing. I think this belief is mistaken. I don’t think I’m being original with this contention that it is a…

  • Star Wars: The Destruction Of A Franchise

    I guess this article won’t be heavily about my autism. Except maybe that I do display my autism insofar as I’m blunt in my assessment of what happened to Star Wars with the latest trilogy of movies. For the benefit of historians, I’m talking about The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of…

  • Advice For People Dealing With Cancer, Or A Possible Diagnosis

    How to go through this ordeal, without completely losing your mind. I had cancer. I talk about it in the past tense because, as we speak, I’m close to three years in remission, and all the tests after my treatment point to me being clear of my cancer. All the MRIs I’ve had so far…

  • Adversity Does Not Make You Stronger

    The reality of it is much more complex than what the saying would have you believe. Adversity has visited me often. So much so, that by all rights, if the saying were true, I’d be Superman by now. Alas, I’m no Superman. Adversity nearly killed me. Adversity has had a beneficial effect on me, but…

  • My Conditions Are Not Moral Failings

    It is really hard to abandon the idea that conditions are moral failings when society at large bleats that they are. Tie your hat down. This is going to be a longish article. I’m going to highlight some ways in which doctors and the general population hold onto an obsolete model of our somatic and…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • ER Doctors

    ER doctors like to say that all your problems are caused by stress or anxiety

  • Space Opera – Episode 4: Space Stuff

    What’s the difference between space things and plain things? Listen to find out!

  • With All Due Respect

    When someone starts a sentence with “with all due respect,” you know what’s coming.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life 002

    A playlist for those who like to stim to music. One thing I found that 120 beats per minute (BPM) may be close to my limit when I walk. I may have songs that go above this limit, but if they are too fast, then I just hand-dance and forget about walk-dancing. If you want…

  • Stimming Is Life 001

    A playlist for those who like to stim to music. I’m a late-diagnosed autistic, and yes I did self-diagnose. For the longest time I was able to mask, but my cancer lessened my ability. Yet, if I look back at my life, I was stimming years before my cancer. One form of stimming for me…