Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • UnitedHealth’s Stupidity Is Suffocating

    What kind of idiots run this company?????????? UnitedHealth was hit in a data breach. They did exactly what you should not do. For fuck’s sake! You do not need to be a genius to fucking know what I’m going to fucking tell you here. If you guessed that I am mad, well, bingo! You win…

  • The Examined Life

    The discovery of my neurodivergence has been a blessing in disguise, for, together with other crises, it forced me to examine my life. I know for a fact that some people won’t accept that neurodivergence is a blessing at all. These folks sometimes wish that they would be able to do away with their own…

  • Why Do Autistic People “Make A Scene?”

    Because you don’t bloody listen. Going to events can be challenging when you are autistic. It is definitely challenging for me. I have noise sensitivity and social anxiety. I’ve recently learned that I’m liable to crash if I’m overstimulated during a social event. Fun! I’m going to talk about a specific event here. It is…

Latest Articles:

  • Kava: An Antianxiety Herb

    I drink kava pretty much daily, because I like its effects. What is kava? It is a herb that grows naturally in the Pacific Islands. People there have been grinding its root for centuries to make drinks out of it. Eventually, it came to the West. No, I’m not going to give you the full…

  • An AI Wrote This Ad For Fartulent

    It picked up on the notion that Fartulent is about farts. What the hell happened??? So I produced a spoof video about the drug Fartulent. Here is the video. Then I had the bright idea to ask an AI to produce an advertisement for it. You’ll find the result below. (Note that the AI only…

  • Do You Really Have To Put On Sunscreen 20 Minutes Prior To Being In The Sun?

    I’m going to say that it really depends on what you’re doing after, and explain why. Let me first start with this. If you hold that I must put on my sunscreen 20 minutes prior to exposure, please back up your opinion with facts. Otherwise, your opinion remains opinion. It is like preferring chocolate ice…

  • My Marriage Sheltered Me

    Reflecting back, I think my marriage sheltered me from having to be an autistic man in the world. I met my ex-wife at the age of 24. She was 44. I don’t think that she really set out to mother me. However, the way the marriage evolved may have had the same effect. I was…

  • The Death Of A Dream

    We’ve sold the marital house, and with that a dream died. We recently sold the house in which my ex-wife and I lived for seven or eight years. I left earlier, she left later, hence the seven or eight year figure. It was the second house we owned together. Truth be told, our dream died…

  • Was Autism A Factor In My Divorce?

    No, and yes. It is a complicated question for which both answers are correct. I’ve always maintained that my autism wasn’t the cause of my divorce. This is true, insofar as neither of us knew that I was autistic. That’s something I realized after the divorce. However, I’m still engaging in The Great Reflection. As…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Fairy Fuckmother

    CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE! A child got a Fairy Fuckmother!

  • Book Threats

    CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE. A couple of librarians are planing their revenge on people who want to ban books.

  • Hair Nunnery

    If you want your hair nunned up, go to Hair Nunnery.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life 012

    More music to stim to! Keen-eyed observers will recognize Wish I Knew You by The Revivalists. I’ve talked about it in this article:

  • Stimming Is Life 011

    More music to stim to. I’ve picked the audio-only version of The Less I Know The Better by Tame Impala. There’s a video of it, however, it contains sex, so I decided to not include it in my playlist. Feel free to find it on YouTube and watch it, however!

  • Stimming Is Life 010

    More music to stim to. Warning: the clip for Wonderland by Caravan Palace contains imagery that some people can find disturbing.