Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • The Examined Life

    The discovery of my neurodivergence has been a blessing in disguise, for, together with other crises, it forced me to examine my life. I know for a fact that some people won’t accept that neurodivergence is a blessing at all. These folks sometimes wish that they would be able to do away with their own…

  • Why Do Autistic People “Make A Scene?”

    Because you don’t bloody listen. Going to events can be challenging when you are autistic. It is definitely challenging for me. I have noise sensitivity and social anxiety. I’ve recently learned that I’m liable to crash if I’m overstimulated during a social event. Fun! I’m going to talk about a specific event here. It is…

  • The Conservatives Justices Part of SCOTUS are Sophomoric Idiots

    Yep, we’re fucked. I chose my words carefully with that title. Their “reasoning” for the decision granting absolute powers to presidents is equivalent to the work of a confused college sophomore. I knew right away that this decision couldn’t be good for us, but I decided to hold my tongue for a while. I have…

Latest Articles:

  • At 50 I’m Realizing I’m Not Made To Live Alone

    Most of the time, these days, I live alone. My mental health is suffering from it. I initially wrote this article in March 2023. I’m republishing it here with minimal edits. I’ll provide an update at the end. This is a realization that came to me only very recently… during the past few weeks, actually. I…

  • Asking People To Verify Their Identity On The Dating Apps Does Not Work!

    Even if your match verifies their identity, you cannot be sure. It furthermore marks you as a scammer! Yes, yes, I know. You’ve watched Tinder Swindler and vowed never to get catfished. Good for you. No, really. I mean it! Good for you. That’s the right attitude to have. There are scammers on the dating…

  • Trans Kids Shouldn’t Have To Hide Who They Are From Their Parents

    I’m sorry to report that most parents fail horribly in this matter. Recently, a trans kid was asking how to buy binders without their parents knowing about it. This request saddened me. No, not because the kid is trans. I am saddened because, as is usually the case with trans kids, the parents are not…

  • Anger, This Unwanted And Useless Guest

    I don’t know if anger is ever useful, but it definitely is useless right now. I’m in a bind. I’ve had a wonderful one-night stand with a girl almost a month ago. We had a great time together. However, I’ve not heard from her since our encounter. This saddens me immensely. Now, one of the…

  • The State of The Dating Apps

    Feeld is buggy. KinkD is not very active. Oh, and I’m back on OkCupid. Feeld is buggy as sin. The November 2023 update has been a shitshow and continues to be a shitshow. I recently let my Feeld subscription lapse. No biggie. However, I’ve received during the past few weeks about three likes that never…

  • Am I The Asshole?

    This is a question that I ask myself often, probably because of the trauma I suffered. I believe this concern about whether I am an asshole comes from innumerable times when I was unjustly labeled an asshole. Over time, I internalized the accusers’ voices, and now I ask myself whether I am, in fact, an…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Oxford Scammer

    A scammer is a bit full of himself.

  • XBox Enforcement System

    The XBox Enforcement System shoots and hits? Or maybe misses? I don’t know!

  • Hamster Breath

    A client is looking for Hamster Breath RSO.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life’s Greatest Hits 002

    The greatest hits so far in the Stimming Is Life series.

  • Stimming Is Life 013

    Even more music to stim to! I’ve given an autistic reading of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins here.

  • An Autistic Reading Of The Rifle’s Spiral

    My take on a few lines of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins. This music video came into my orbit before I knew that I was autistic. However, there are a few lines in there that have always captured my imagination. I’ve had other neurodivergent people listen to this piece, and they also latched onto…