Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • Invisible Minorities Are Vocal About Their Identities With Good Reason

    It is because the majority tends to forget that these invisible minorities exist. I recently came across a “bash the vegan” joke that got me thinking about the issue at hand here. I’m paraphrasing, but the joke was: The toughest part of being a vegan is keeping it to yourself. I think there are several…

  • On The Importance Of Teaching Neurodivergence

    In my view, it would allow us to handle better the friction that occurs when meshing different communication styles. As I was writing about the sources of friction between my ex-wife and I, it occurred to me that knowing about neurodivergence would have been extremely useful to us. It is unclear whether it would have…

  • Next Time You Enjoy Free Speech, Thank A Comedian

    Comedians are always at the mercy of people who want to shut them up just because they don’t like them. Let me start by saying that I’m so, so sorry that I’m US-based and that what I am going to talk about might not hold water in whatever corner of the world you live in.…

Latest Articles:

  • The “I’ll Expose Your Behavior” Scam

    Don’t send them any money. Nothing bad will happen to you. How do I know? Well, for one thing, I’ve received several of these emails throughout the years. I’ve never sent any money. Nothing bad happened. For good measure, two scammers tried this tactic with me on the dating apps. When they revealed themselves, I…

  • The Examined Life

    The discovery of my neurodivergence has been a blessing in disguise, for, together with other crises, it forced me to examine my life. I know for a fact that some people won’t accept that neurodivergence is a blessing at all. These folks sometimes wish that they would be able to do away with their own…

  • Walmart Is Ableist

    If you are neurodivergent and prefer to use self-checkout, well, screw you! See, Walmart has been implementing policies about the use of self-checkout. These policies have come to the Walmart where I shop. The self-checkout lanes are now 15 items or less, or they are Scan & Go. Judging from the articles I’ve found by…

  • What Is Stimming?

    Stimming is a way to bring order to our nervous system. The explanation I’m going to give you here is that of a layman trying to understand himself. I am not a psychologist, or a psychiatrist. I don’t know that this is a generalizable explanation even. Maybe it holds only for some neurodivergent folks but…

  • Cheaters Gotta Cheat

    Someone just asked me to cheat on a tutoring platform. I’ve reported them. Yep, cheaters gotta cheat. Don’t you know? Here’s what happened. Someone posted a job offer for tutoring. I responded to the offer. A few hours later, I got a message that said: 😩 How is this tutoring? This is not teaching someone…

  • A Small Reorganization

    I’m splitting my YouTube channels, and I’m no longer announcing my activity to those channels here. I used to post here whenever I made a new clip in @YourAutisticLife. Going forward, I’m no longer doing this. I will probably delete the old posts at some point. I’ve also split off the music playlists that were…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Fairy Fuckmother

    CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE! A child got a Fairy Fuckmother!

  • Book Threats

    CONTAINS CRUDE LANGUAGE. A couple of librarians are planing their revenge on people who want to ban books.

  • Hair Nunnery

    If you want your hair nunned up, go to Hair Nunnery.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life 002

    A playlist for those who like to stim to music. One thing I found that 120 beats per minute (BPM) may be close to my limit when I walk. I may have songs that go above this limit, but if they are too fast, then I just hand-dance and forget about walk-dancing. If you want…

  • Stimming Is Life 001

    A playlist for those who like to stim to music. I’m a late-diagnosed autistic, and yes I did self-diagnose. For the longest time I was able to mask, but my cancer lessened my ability. Yet, if I look back at my life, I was stimming years before my cancer. One form of stimming for me…