Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • Invisible Minorities Are Vocal About Their Identities With Good Reason

    It is because the majority tends to forget that these invisible minorities exist. I recently came across a “bash the vegan” joke that got me thinking about the issue at hand here. I’m paraphrasing, but the joke was: The toughest part of being a vegan is keeping it to yourself. I think there are several…

  • On The Importance Of Teaching Neurodivergence

    In my view, it would allow us to handle better the friction that occurs when meshing different communication styles. As I was writing about the sources of friction between my ex-wife and I, it occurred to me that knowing about neurodivergence would have been extremely useful to us. It is unclear whether it would have…

  • Next Time You Enjoy Free Speech, Thank A Comedian

    Comedians are always at the mercy of people who want to shut them up just because they don’t like them. Let me start by saying that I’m so, so sorry that I’m US-based and that what I am going to talk about might not hold water in whatever corner of the world you live in.…

Latest Articles:

  • The Latest Feeld Update Is A Complete Shitshow

    I guess testing is something that only dogs do, right? If you don’t know, Feeld is an application for people who are into BDSM, couples looking for unicorns, or people with unusual desire. I use it because I’m into BDSM. This is the dating platform on which I’ve had the most success so far. I’m…

  • Being Unattached Is Not Something I Need To Make Peace With

    If being unattached works for you, great. It ain’t working for me. I’m going to start with a comment about the terminology I’m using. I’ve settled on unattached to indicate a state in which someone has no romantic partner. I was going to say single, but this does not quite fit. Some single people can…

  • Ableist As Fuck: Health Insurance In The USA

    The more you need health insurance, the more you see how ableist it is. Once upon a time, I was a carefree boy. I lived my life, and did stupid shit, as carefree boys are liable to do. I grew up in Canada, with a socialized health care system. I never saw or heard about…

  • Discord Discriminates Against Minorities

    Discord does not care about anyone’s privacy, but this is a more pressing problem for minorities. Discord allows you to set different profiles for different servers. Great! However, as far as I see it, the fact that you can use this feature only if you pay is yet another tax that is imposed on those…

  • Those Disclaimers You Add To Your Social Media Profiles Do Exactly Nothing

    These disclaimers may be popular, but they are usually ineffective. Sometimes I see someone who will proudly proclaim to the world that they solved some perceived problem with what a social media platform is going by adding some verbiage to their public profile on that platform. For instance, someone on Facebook might add “I do…

  • I’m Skeptical About Electric Composters

    I’ve been seeing ads for them, but I’m not convinced that they are advantageous for anyone. I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately. A lot of those videos are sponsored. I’m not a fan of sponsorships, but you have to make ends meet somehow. Some sponsors are outfits that I would never ever…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Screw You!

    Finn is literally falling into a trap, or is it figuratively?

  • Eating Your Feelings

    Finn has been in the bathroom for a while, processing his feelings.

  • Sliced Muenster Cheese

    Finn gets sliced monster for Alice.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life 002

    A playlist for those who like to stim to music. One thing I found that 120 beats per minute (BPM) may be close to my limit when I walk. I may have songs that go above this limit, but if they are too fast, then I just hand-dance and forget about walk-dancing. If you want…

  • Stimming Is Life 001

    A playlist for those who like to stim to music. I’m a late-diagnosed autistic, and yes I did self-diagnose. For the longest time I was able to mask, but my cancer lessened my ability. Yet, if I look back at my life, I was stimming years before my cancer. One form of stimming for me…