Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • YouTube Channels Peddling Nonsense

    I’ve noticed a few of those lately. I find this practice shameful. Do read the entire article. I swear it is all linked together. I’d say the second part is more important than the first, because I think more people have misconceptions about data deletion, but the first part provides some background. Titles Of Nobility…

  • Declaring One’s Autism Won’t Do Anything To Combat Police Ineptitude

    I don’t think that declaring that one is autistic will change anything. I’ve seen lately a bunch of news articles talking about new rules whereby people who have behavioral disabilities, autism in particular, will be allowed to declare their disability so that the police can handle them properly. Before we go any further, let me…

  • You Don’t Understand Free Speech

    I know my title is provocative. It is intentional. The law is one of my interests. At the same time, I’m not a lawyer. I’m merely better informed than the average American. Let me be clear that I’m going to talk about the right of free speech embodied in the Bill of Rights of the…

Latest Articles:

  • At 50 I’m Realizing I’m Not Made To Live Alone

    Most of the time, these days, I live alone. My mental health is suffering from it. I initially wrote this article in March 2023. I’m republishing it here with minimal edits. I’ll provide an update at the end. This is a realization that came to me only very recently… during the past few weeks, actually. I…

  • Asking People To Verify Their Identity On The Dating Apps Does Not Work!

    Even if your match verifies their identity, you cannot be sure. It furthermore marks you as a scammer! Yes, yes, I know. You’ve watched Tinder Swindler and vowed never to get catfished. Good for you. No, really. I mean it! Good for you. That’s the right attitude to have. There are scammers on the dating…

  • Trans Kids Shouldn’t Have To Hide Who They Are From Their Parents

    I’m sorry to report that most parents fail horribly in this matter. Recently, a trans kid was asking how to buy binders without their parents knowing about it. This request saddened me. No, not because the kid is trans. I am saddened because, as is usually the case with trans kids, the parents are not…

  • Anger, This Unwanted And Useless Guest

    I don’t know if anger is ever useful, but it definitely is useless right now. I’m in a bind. I’ve had a wonderful one-night stand with a girl almost a month ago. We had a great time together. However, I’ve not heard from her since our encounter. This saddens me immensely. Now, one of the…

  • The State of The Dating Apps

    Feeld is buggy. KinkD is not very active. Oh, and I’m back on OkCupid. Feeld is buggy as sin. The November 2023 update has been a shitshow and continues to be a shitshow. I recently let my Feeld subscription lapse. No biggie. However, I’ve received during the past few weeks about three likes that never…

  • Am I The Asshole?

    This is a question that I ask myself often, probably because of the trauma I suffered. I believe this concern about whether I am an asshole comes from innumerable times when I was unjustly labeled an asshole. Over time, I internalized the accusers’ voices, and now I ask myself whether I am, in fact, an…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Brian Cancer

    Someone’s got Brian cancer. DARK HUMOR! (Btw, I did have cancer, and it was in my brain.)

  • Scrape-o-Matic 3000

    The Scrape-o-Matic 3000 scrapes everything!

  • Docker Compost

    Use Docker compost to turn your docker images into flower pots.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life 015

    Yes music! In need to talk about the Route 66 song. Unfortunately, the electroswing mix that I picked does not exist on Spotify. I had to replace it with Nat King Cole’s version, which I love. This song is a good illustration of the fact that I think ads can be cute, even if I…

  • Stimming Is Life 14

    More music to stim to. Things of note… I believe this is a first in our series. The songwriter of Your Woman, Jyoti Mishra (@Jyoti) is in the fediverse! Do say hi, especially if you like the song! Danger Mouse is very present in this playlist. He’s a member Gnarls Barkley and Broken Bells. No,…

  • Stimming Is Life’s 80’s 001

    I know I’ve had a few oldies in my playlists previously, but this is the first time I have an entire playlist of oldies. I asked YouTube for Lube, and then it figured that I just wanted to listen to oldies. I just rolled with it.