Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • My Policy About Boosting Fediverse Posts

    My boosting behavior mostly reflects my desire to have a tidy timeline. I like a tidy timeline devoid of tons of stuff that I won’t want to read. I also think that I cannot hold others to a high standard of discrimination in boosting, if I don’t hold myself to that very same standard. It…

  • Trans Kids Shouldn’t Have To Hide Who They Are From Their Parents

    I’m sorry to report that most parents fail horribly in this matter. Recently, a trans kid was asking how to buy binders without their parents knowing about it. This request saddened me. No, not because the kid is trans. I am saddened because, as is usually the case with trans kids, the parents are not…

  • The Problem With Your Answers To My Questions

    When I complain about a product, your answer to just stop using it stinks, very badly. Once in a while, I run into problems with this or that product. Sometimes, when I cannot find a solution, I post my issue to the fediverse, hoping someone will have the answer. A lot of people don’t respond.…

Latest Articles:

  • My Suffering Is For All Sentient Beings

    Although my life used to be lived for myself, it is now lived for others. When I began to practice Zen, my goal was to reach enlightenment as fast as possible. I was sitting, mostly for my own benefit. I’ve sat in meditation on and off for over 27 years. Furthermore, I’ve been to seven-day…

  • Eye Compresses Are Not All The Same

    Color me surprised, but there are differences between the various eye compresses that are on the market. You need to be logged in to view the rest of the content. Please Log In. Not a Member? Join Us

  • A Vale Of Tears, In Musical Form

    This is how I tick, musically speaking. It is no mystery that I like to stim to music. My entire life is adorned with music. I bring music everywhere I can. Yes, even in the MRI machines that look at my brain to make sure my cancer hasn’t come back. If they allow me to…

  • If You Can’t Muster Empathy, Shut Up!

    I’ve recently gotten a very shitty response to a vent of mine. I decided to vent into the fediverse with this message: This was just a vent. I’m mildly annoyed, but not angry. I did not berate them for their silence. I’m just venting in the fediverse. This is it. I’ve been on the dating…

  • The USA Is Great At Stunt Medicine, Crap At Caring: Living Proof

    I’m the living proof that the USA is great at stunt medicine, but absolute and utter crap at caring. This article was rescued from another publication. It was minimally edited for publication here. I’m the embodiment of someone who on the one hand received both life-saving care from the medical industry, and on the other…

  • Does Laziness Exist?

    I used to say “yes,” but I’m now willing to say that, in a lot of cases, it does not. I’m not yet ready to declare that laziness does not exist. However, a case can be made for the position that the word is being used in cases where there is in fact no laziness.…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Screw You!

    Finn is literally falling into a trap, or is it figuratively?

  • Eating Your Feelings

    Finn has been in the bathroom for a while, processing his feelings.

  • Sliced Muenster Cheese

    Finn gets sliced monster for Alice.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life’s Greatest Hits 002

    The greatest hits so far in the Stimming Is Life series.

  • Stimming Is Life 013

    Even more music to stim to! I’ve given an autistic reading of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins here.

  • An Autistic Reading Of The Rifle’s Spiral

    My take on a few lines of The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins. This music video came into my orbit before I knew that I was autistic. However, there are a few lines in there that have always captured my imagination. I’ve had other neurodivergent people listen to this piece, and they also latched onto…