Your Autistic Life: The Ruminations of an Autistic Man

This is my blog. I masked my autism for the first 50 years of my life. I discovered in March 2023 that I am, in fact, autistic. Prior to this time, my life was mostly okay, but did not make much sense overall. Since my self-diagnosis, my life makes much more sense.

If you don’t know where to start on this site, this page has the articles you should read first.

Premium articles can be found here, besides appearing in the other sections.


  • If I Were A Billionaire

    I’d be helping my fellow human beings here and now. A billion dollars does isolate you from having to worry about your future, right? I sure hope so. At least that’s how I imagine it. If I’m wrong about this, you can try to convince me, but you’re going to have to bring up your…

  • I No Longer Recommend Feeld

    The powers that be killed the golden goose. If you’ve already read this article, please read the updates at the bottom. They are eye-opening. I’ve complained about the state of Feeld before. Namely, in this article: Well… it’s gone from bad to worse. Feeld used to be the application I’d recommend for the gender and…

  • The Measure Of An Enby

    Am I nonbinary? The signs point to the fact that I am. When you’ve met one enby, you’ve met one enby. I realized that this motto was true even before meeting one enby as an enby on a dating app. I suspect I have met some enbies a long time ago, but I did not…

Latest Articles:

  • Johns Hopkins: Great At Stunt Medicine, Crap At Actually Caring

    Johns Hopkins has fucked up once too many. The events depicted in this article happened in October 2022. This article was first published elsewhere. I’m republishing it here because it is important to highlight the failures of world-class hospitals at caring for their patients. The article was minimally edited for publication here. Remember the saying?…

  • Shit That Irritates Me In Dating Profiles

    How to avoid giving the wrong impression when you write a dating profile. I’m angry. I keep seeing inadequate profiles on Feeld. Sometimes these people list desires that in theory might match me, but because their profile is inadequate, I have to reject them. My experience on the dating apps have demonstrated that I’m most…

  • Snowflakes In The Storm

    We are so many snowflakes in the storm. Such is our lives. As I write these lines, it is snowing softly outside my apartment. However, I do not wish to talk about the present, but about the past. I want to talk about one night, back when I was in my early twenties. At that…

  • The Discovery Of My Aromantic Nature

    I wish I had known earlier. It would have saved me some suffering. I’ve discovered recently that I’m aromantic. Much like the discovery of my autism, it has been a tremendous relief. I’m not broken. I’m just different. Let me explain. I now describe myself in the following fashion. I’m aromantic. However, I can definitely…

  • Flipboard: An Ableist Platform

    I don’t recommend it for anyone, and especially not for people with mental health conditions. I don’t watch the news on the television anymore. Rather than do this, I used to use Google News. I did this for a long time. It was my main source of news. I tried using the fediverse for this,…

  • The Dawn Of Understanding

    I’m just beginning to understand that the masters said. Good news! You’re already enlightened. Bad news. You still need to practice, for a long time, and most likely until you die. Ain’t this fun? Oftentimes, Zen practice beings with a desire for enlightenment. I’ll get enlightened. Then I’ll show them! Not a very wholesome thought,…

Latest Videos From My YouTube Channel:

  • Schrödinger’s [Bleep]

    Today we learn about Schrödinger’s [bleep]. That’s when a [bleep] fell on his head and he came up with the [bleep]ity wave.

  • Ear Muffins

    Finn is showcasing new apparel.

  • The Parabola Of The Mustard Seed

    Finn wants to tell a parabola to Alice.

Latest Music:

  • Stimming Is Life 015

    Yes music! In need to talk about the Route 66 song. Unfortunately, the electroswing mix that I picked does not exist on Spotify. I had to replace it with Nat King Cole’s version, which I love. This song is a good illustration of the fact that I think ads can be cute, even if I…

  • Stimming Is Life 14

    More music to stim to. Things of note… I believe this is a first in our series. The songwriter of Your Woman, Jyoti Mishra (@Jyoti) is in the fediverse! Do say hi, especially if you like the song! Danger Mouse is very present in this playlist. He’s a member Gnarls Barkley and Broken Bells. No,…

  • Stimming Is Life’s 80’s 001

    I know I’ve had a few oldies in my playlists previously, but this is the first time I have an entire playlist of oldies. I asked YouTube for Lube, and then it figured that I just wanted to listen to oldies. I just rolled with it.